All is Welcome Here
Living in Love beyond Beliefs
I had no need of resigning myself and surrendering. It seemed to me it would have been impossible to will anything but what You were doing within me. If I had a will, it seemed to me to be with Your will, like two lutes in perfect accord. That not touched gives forth the same sound as that touched – only one same sound, only one single harmony. This union of the will establishes the soul in perfect peace.
*Madame Guyon
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I have often spoken of surrender, but here is a mystery to the mind. Finally, the struggle to surrender leads to futility. One finds he or she incapable of surrender. This leads, with relief, to a final surrender – the surrender of surrender. Here, now, there is peace. One is no longer trying to surrender. One is surrendered, by Grace to Grace. This Grace may be seen as personal – God, Lord, Father, Mother, … - or as abstract – Light, Love, Beauty, Life, … -.... You have been surrendered for this Grace to manifest to you as Grace wills. You no longer claim a right or privilege to decide how or in what form Spirit will arise. This willingness, arising from surrender of surrender, relieves one of self-effort and, so, leads into the spaciousness of acceptance, of Love. Few persons allow this restful posture of being surrendered, rather than surrendering, for this means negation of self that retains itself through owning the right and privilege of surrender. The self may rejoice to surrender, yet, it, apart from Grace, will never rejoice to surrender its right and power to surrender. That self seeks to claim to itself the capacity to impress Grace with its surrender, and oft impress others. This self-effort itself negates the Rest of the person who has no ownership or felt-right to give himself or herself to the one Thou. Here, one can no longer say, “I surrendered....” In the union of Grace, which is a union of Being and Intent, there remains no subject to surrender, no object to surrender to - so, restful, loving harmony.
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